On closer inspection one of the LED's was missing the diffuser and as they are fitted in pairs its partner failed to light. I have been pretty careful handling the board so I don't think I was to blame. I emailed Blackout in sunny Aus and they said they would send out a replacement board immediately. Great service!!
I knew it would take a while for the replacement board to show up so I ordered a replacement LED off ebay and considered a repair. The LEDs are so small I couldn't even see them without the aid of my glasses and a loupe. Damien (my son) came to the rescue and successfully replaced the broken LED so if I mess the soldering up or destroy this PDB in a crash I will have a replacement.
Here's the repaired PDB after my first job of soldering the ESC to the motors. After positioning the striped ESCs I cut the motor wires down, it didn't feel right cutting the wires so short but remember it's all about saving weight and maximising efficiency.
The ESC have had their motor wires removed and the shrink wrapping and heat sinks. Three of them have had the +ve and ground wires removed from their connection to the CC3D board. Only one ESC BEC circuit is needed to power up CC3D board.
Next job is to fit new shrink wrap ver the bare ESCs.
And here it is. Looking nice and tidy. Soldering ESCs to the PDB up next.